Pregnancy brings couples together

How pregnancy brings couples together

As a couple, expecting a newborn can be full of varied feelings, from excitement to uncertainty and confusion. At the same time, you can feel a new bond growing in your relationship. Although many stories are told about how babies change parents’ priorities, making them have little time for each other, pregnancy has tremendous positive attributes. You will have more commitments together Expecting a baby will occupy you with priorities that take up your regular schedule, making you spend more time together. Pregnancy will make you more vulnerable Pregnancy is a vulnerable time. It is full of emotions coupled with fears and worries. However, that vulnerability can boost a good relationship because it forces the couples to get honest about their wants and needs. Also, it helps both of you get to know each other deeply. Pregnancy inspires protectiveness Pregnancy invites friendly gestures such as giving up seats and offering to carry things. Sometimes annoying things like offering unsolicited advice are ways that people can show their instinctive desire to protect you when pregnant. The same happens with your partner. Having a responsible partner who tries to make you feel safe and comfortable is incredibly endearing and helps you appreciate them more. It motivates you to have fun before the baby arrives Having it in mind that your life will drastically transform when you give birth to your new baby is a huge motivation to leave the house and do fun things that may require your energy, time, or money in a few short months. Therefore, taking little trips, having fun dates, and having time to sleep can deepen and connect your relationship with your partner. It pushes you to consider the balance in your partnership A 50-50 partnership is often seen as a goal, and most real relationships are rarely like this. Pregnancy is a reminder that you must balance the partnership whereby everyone feels involved and everything is done fairly. It brings the need for communication In any relationship, communication is essential, but it becomes more critical when making a new person. Having a baby on the way is another way for you and your partner to be on the same page, which is long-term beneficial. Pregnancy can boost connection The pregnancy journey becomes exciting when you get pregnant because you want to have a baby. Thus, there are lots of memorable moments that you will get to share with your husband. For instance, when you see the child on ultra-sound or feel the baby kick, that can remind you how incredible it is that you get to share the beautiful moment with the person you love. An insight from mamahood You will be surprised by pregnancy miracles; sharing the journey and experiences with your partner will make you feel emotionally close. From feeling embarrassed by all nausea, burping, and gas to dealing with insecurities during pregnancy will make you two more connected than you have ever been.

How pregnancy brings couples together