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Can epidural cause nerve damage

epidural cause nerve damage

Finding pain management methods during childbirth is crucial as you prepare for labor. Thinking about an epidural to relieve the pain is also a better decision. Many women opt for epidurals during delivery. This method is considered the safest for pain management, and you’ll be awake during labor with pain reduction. Before considering an epidural, discuss it with your doctor so that you both know ahead of time.

What is an epidural?

Epidural is regional anesthesia that blocks pain in a specific body area. Epidural mainly relieves the pain leading to decreased sensation. Can epidural cause nerve damage? No, it cannot.

Epidural blocks the nerve impulses from the body’s lower half, thus managing pain. It works with other analgesics (pain-relieving drugs). These drugs stay in the epidural space and don’t spread in the body. Epidural anesthesia falls in the category of local anesthetics.

How does an epidural needle work?

The epidural needle is usually three and a half inches long. Before placing the epidural, you’ll be given a numbing injection. Then epidural is injected into the spine.

  • The exact needle insertion location is between the ligament covering the vertebrae and the spinal cord membrane.
  • A small amount of medication is enough to relieve the pain.
  • It takes almost 10-15 minutes to ease the pain.
  • An epidural causes numbness from the belly to the toes. This reduces the pain to a minimum. You may not feel the urge to push during labor, but you’ll still be able to do that, thus making the delivery easier.

Can Epidural Causes Nerve Damage?

Epidurals are one of the safest options to relieve pain during labor. This method has little to no complications with rare side effects. In many cases, symptoms of slight numbness resolve within a few days or weeks. Permanent nerve damage is uncommon.

How long does an epidural Last?

Epidural usually lasts along with the duration of labor, and its effects tend to decrease as soon as you deliver the baby. In a couple of hours, the numbness will go away completely. You’re able to walk right after the epidural wears off. After delivery, pain management is relieved by painkillers.

Side effects of epidural

There are infrequent side effects of epidural, but some of you may experience the following:

One-sided body pain: Some women may experience numbness on one side of the body due to a lack of epidural pain relief.

Troubled urination: Epidural may cause decreased sensitivity to the bladder. As a result, it gets challenging to feel the urge to urinate. So, the first 24-48 hours postpartum might be challenging for you.

An insight from mamahood

Nobody is going to judge you for receiving or going against the epidural. Some women opt not to get any medications for pain during labor, while others will request an epidural as soon as possible.

In selecting either of these choices, mamahood is here for you. Our utmost goal is to keep you and your baby safe and healthy! You’re free to choose the laboring process you like!

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