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Baby’s nutrition during the first three months

First 3 months Baby’s nutrition

Adequate nutrition is a very important fundamental for a child’s growth. The amount of care taken in feeding the baby with proper balanced nutrition in the initial months will pave the way for better growth and development of the baby.

During the first three months, the mother’s breastmilk and formula are sufficient for the baby’s nutrition requirements.

What are the changes observed in the feeding pattern?

You may observe changes in the feeding pattern of your baby as they grow, and they might increase their milk intake so that they can sleep for a longer duration. You must be keen and diligent in noticing these changes in your baby’s feeding pattern.

How much and how often should you breastfeed the baby?

Feeding your baby 8 to 12 times a day might be adequate for your baby if they are active and content, are developing steadily, and require diaper changes at regular intervals. There might be signs that your baby is not eating enough if they are constantly crying and appear unsatisfied, and there is no wetting of diapers.

Babies with special nutrition needs

Pre-term babies (born before 37 weeks) or babies with low birth weight have slightly variable nutrition requirements. To provide them with added nutrition, these babies are advised to have a fortifier along with breast milk. A breast milk fortifier is an added supplement to provide the baby with an extra number of calories, protein, and certain vitamins, which help in the baby’s bone development and growth during the initial weeks. A breastmilk fortifier is given to the baby as prescribed by the doctor. A small amount of fortifier is mixed with the breastmilk and is tested first. If there is no adverse reaction from it to the baby, the amount of fortifier is gradually increased.

What to avoid feeding your baby during the first three months?

During the first initial months, you should absolutely avoid feeding your baby cow’s milk because cow’s milk contains excessive protein, sodium, and potassium in comparison to what a baby can digest and is unable to absorb, which eventually can harm the baby too. Also, refrain from feeding your baby with soy milk or any kind of homemade formula, as they do not contain a balanced amount of nutrients for the growth and development of the baby. During the initial three months, your baby’s food requirements suffice with breastmilk and formula, do not try to feed them solid foods.

When should you consult a doctor?

You should seek professional assistance if you notice that your baby is not feeding enough, constantly stays irritated, and cries. Also, if there is no soiling and wetting of diapers, you should seek help from a doctor.

An insight from mamahood

We hope with the help of this article, you can gain information on do’s and don’ts of what to feed your child during the first three months of their life. A baby’s proper nutrition is very important for their growth and development, and through this article, you must have understood a brief about your new-born’s feeding pattern. If you need more support, please feel free to reach out to me through live chat or private mail.

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